Run Meson Node 101

Deploy Requirements

  • A Public(Static/Dynamic) IP or A DHCP Reservation
  • Opening the port of the firewall (default: 443, support for custom server ports)
  • Providing enough Storage (default minimum requirements: 20G)

Register in new window

Click the button “Nodes” and you can find out your token and installation tutorial in this page

How to Install Meson on Linux ?

1.Download & Install

wget '' && tar -zxf meson_cdn-linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm -f meson_cdn-linux-amd64.tar.gz && cd ./meson_cdn-linux-amd64 && sudo ./service install meson_cdn


If you get notifications like "-bash: wget: command not found" telling that you can't use this command, please install wget by using command first.

Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install wget -y

CentOS / Fedora:

sudo yum update -y && sudo yum install wget -y

console output:

$ wget '' && tar -zxf meson_cdn-linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm -f meson_cdn-linux-amd64.tar.gz && cd ./meson_cdn-linux-amd64 && sudo ./service install meson_cdn
--2022-06-18 07:48:10--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 48735663 (46M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: 'meson_cdn-linux-amd64.tar.gz'

100%[======================================>] 48,735,663  81.2MB/s   in 0.6s   

2022-06-18 07:48:11 (81.2 MB/s) - 'meson_cdn-linux-amd64.tar.gz' saved [48735663/48735663]

2022-06-18 07:48:12 [INFO] using config: /home/ec2-user/meson_cdn-linux-amd64/configs/default.toml
2022-06-18 07:48:12 [INFO] service installed

2.Set token and config

sudo ./meson_cdn config set --token=your token --https_port=443 --cache.size=30

console output:

$ sudo ./meson_cdn config set --token=your token --https_port=443
2022-06-18 07:59:13 [INFO] using config: /home/ec2-user/meson_cdn-linux-amd64/configs/default.toml

We recommend enabling TCP Ports 443 in both directions in your server/router. Check your Router's & Cloud's instructions on how to open ports 443.

Setting port number

sudo ufw allow 443              # default is 443, support for custom server ports

To get started with port forwarding, check out https://portforward.comopen in new window .

If you want to change the default config, you can use these parameters.

Param List:

-token=your token              # you can find out your token in nodes page
-https_port=443                # default is 443, support for custom server ports
-cache.size=30                 # minimum: 20G, default: 30G
-cache.folder=xxxx             # string, cache folder path, could be an absolute path


In the example, I changed the default port to 520, cache size to 20G.

sudo ufw allow 520
sudo ./meson_cdn config set --token=your token --https_port=520 --cache.size=20 && sudo ./service restart meson_cdn

After you modify the config, please restart your node with command sudo ./service restart meson_cdn .

3. Start Service

Start the service of Meson Node.

sudo ./service start meson_cdn

console output:

$ sudo ./service start meson_cdn
2022-06-18 07:59:57 [INFO] using config: /home/ec2-user/meson_cdn-linux-amd64/configs/default.toml
2022-06-18 07:59:57 [INFO] service started

After 2-3 minutes, you will have a new terminal record at terminals open in new node .

4.Check Node Running Status

sudo ./service status meson_cdn

console output:

$ sudo ./service status meson_cdn
2022-06-18 09:31:39 [INFO] using config: /home/ec2-user/meson_cdn-linux-amd64/configs/default.toml
2022-06-18 09:31:39 [INFO] service status: RUNNIN

5.Stop & Remove

sudo ./service stop meson_cdn && sudo ./service remove meson_cdn

console output:

$ sudo ./service stop meson_cdn && sudo ./service remove meson_cdn
2022-06-18 10:18:01 [INFO] using config: /home/ec2-user/meson_cdn-linux-amd64/configs/default.toml
2022-06-18 10:18:01 [INFO] service stopped
2022-06-18 10:18:01 [INFO] using config: /home/ec2-user/meson_cdn-linux-amd64/configs/default.toml
2022-06-18 10:18:01 [INFO] service removed

Commands Reference

sudo ./service install meson_cdn              # install node
sudo ./service start meson_cdn                # start node
sudo ./service status meson_cdn               # check node running status
sudo ./service stop meson_cdn                 # stop node
sudo ./service remove meson_cdn               # remove node
sudo ./service restart meson_cdn              # restart node
sudo ./meson_cdn log                          # check logs
./meson_cdn -h                                # check help