$MSN 🐢

MSN is Meson.Network's incentive and governance token. It has four primary functions:

  • For rewarding miners
  • For staking by miners
  • As payment by users
  • Protocol governance
  • The tokens are distributed to network terminals (miners) as rewards for providing server resources.

Currently, there are no benefits for staking the tokens as the functions of transfer for Meson Test Tokens on Ethereum are locked. Users of the services will pay in MSNs to get additional bandwidth. These tokens are then rewarded to miners through the repurchase and destruction of tokens.

Meson allows its Token holders to vote on development or modification of parameters of the protocol.

Token Details

  • Token Ticker: Meson(MSN)
  • Initial Supply: 100,000,000 MSN

Token Distribution

  • Seed Token Sale: 6,000,000 MSN (6%)
  • Private Token Sale: 22,000,000 MSN (22%)
  • Public Token Sale: 10,000,000 MSN (10%)
  • Community & Ecosystem: 20,000,000 MSN (20%)
  • Foundation Reservation: 20,000,000 MSN (20%)
  • Technical Team: 15,000,000 MSN (15%)
  • Partners: 6,000,000 MSN (6%)
  • Test-Net Mapping: 1,000,000 MSN (1%)

Token Functions

  • Miners get Token rewards after joining the meson network and devoting their server resources.
  • Miners can stake MSNs to accelerate the mining efficiency.
  • Clients use MSNs to accelerate any internet media resource e.g file/images/video/streaming/website etc
  • Anyone can use MSNs for election and voting of on-chain governance/proposals/etc.

Total Token Inflation

All token inflation comes from mining rewards. The first-year mining inflation rate is 5%. The inflation rate drops 0.5% each year.

inflation rate vs time

Token Circulation

Miners will get MSNs as a reward while providing an idle server to meson.network. Miners will reach full mining speed only if they stack MSNs accordingly. Clients send payments to meson.network while using Meson service. All MSNs can be exchanged at CEX or DEX.

GoerliETH Testnet Token Contract(MSN)

Ethereum(Goerli) Contract Address: 0xc08c439c85bd3e65725d08c54fb6f2895436a649

Ethereum(Goerli) Contract: Source Codeopen in new window